Coniugando Tradizione e Innovazione Agricola: “Il Successo di Sant’Antuninu con YoungaDays”

La Festa di Sant’Antuninu, ideata dall’associazione ScicliSmart, ha acceso l’entusiasmo della comunità con un’esplosione di tradizione, innovazione e coesione. Quest’anno, l’associazione ha superato sé stessa, trasformando Via Aleardi in un vibrante centro di celebrazione e cultura, grazie ai numerosi riferimenti a Sant’Antonio da Padova nel territorio circostante. L’evento è iniziato con una nota di magia […]

Barocco in tutti i Sensi

Genuino e sincero come la fiducia che ci avete accordato, il 6, 8 e 10 settembre risuonerà ancora – nella sua seconda edizione – in quel luogo che ha permesso la rinascita di Ragusa e del suo barocco dopo il terremoto del 1693: cava Gonfalone Barocco in tutti i sensi  sarà protagonista di tre serate – […]

Exploring Terroir and Grapes: Sensory Journey in Southeastern Sicily

east, the thousand-year history of wine is intertwined with myths and traditions, offering a unique heritage. Discover fine wines such as Nero d’Avola and Cerasuolo di Vittoria, which pair perfectly with delicious local desserts. And don’t miss the opportunity to explore Sicilian food and wine through events such as “Teruar” in May and “La Strada del Vino Valdinoto” in June. Cheers and bon voyage to the world of Mediterranean flavors!

Terra Barocca Invites You: Spring, Villages and Flavors to Discover!

The Baroque Land awakens in spring with a wide range of unique experiences-from Baroque villages to golden beaches. Explore protected parks, enjoy local cuisine, and attend cultural events for a full immersion in the culture and traditions of the places. Discover all this and more in Baroque Land this spring!

Mascarata: Ragusa celebrates rebirth in baroque style

Ragusa is preparing for Mascarata on May 4 and 5, a cultural festival celebrating the city and its rebirth. Organized by the Pietra Viva Association, with institutional support, the event offers a multi-sensory experience through panel discussions, art exhibitions, theatrical performances and a spectacular goliardic parade. A celebration of Ragusa’s art, culture and history.

Easter in the Iblei

Joint promotion of the twelve municipalities in the Ragusa region One brochure and program, for the first time. “Vasate,” “unveiling,” confraternities, processions filled with Joy jumping through the crowd, Peace: this is the extraordinary charm of Easter in the Iblees. The beauty of our territory lies in the richness of its differences, which is […]